Love is more important than money

There is how many songs saying that says money doesn’t buy happiness or make you feel good so there is proof that love is more important than money (BUT it can still buy me a boat and even a truck to pull it). I know that you don’t need someone to love you to still have a good life but if you don’t have love in your life it definitely feels like something is missing and no amount of money can fix it. Even if you have a billion dollars if you don’t have love they say you can still feel like the poorest man on earth, and you can’t make someone love you with money, well you can’t make them love you emotionally at lease. Another reason love is more important than money is because no one has ever looked forward to going home after work and kissing there big bag of money except for Donald trump he probably sleeps with his bags. Also you can’t have kids with money and you can loss and gain money in a second but it can take time to get a relationship.

True Writing is Rewriting

The secret that I feel is the most important in my experience is Rewriting Takes Time. It takes me a long time to just write something so it usually takes me a while to revise it. This is one reason why I think that Rewriting Takes Time is the most important secret because you have to keep it in mind that it takes along time for everyone to rewrite stuff. If you don’t remember it sometimes you’ll get frustrated and give up or you’ll think your stupid. Another reason why it is really important is because if you don’t take your time and you just rush through it there is a good chance that you’ll miss something or mess it up. If you don’t take your time and focus on the writing. The out come will most likely be sloppier than it would be if you went full out and took your time and effort on it.

What The Best Interviews Get Right

For me personally the hardest pieces of advice to follow is the not afraid to interrupt. One is because in society no one likes the person that always interrupts people every two seconds because it gets really annoying really fast. An example of this is my cousin who is a complete mouth piece and you can’t have a five minute conversation with him without getting a little annoyed because he always interrupts you to say what he thinks even though you weren’t done talking.

Second is because I’m a shy person so right off the bat I wouldn’t be a vary good interviewer because I wouldn’t want to talk to a complete stranger anyways, but if I was an interviewer since I’m so shy I definitely still wouldn’t want to interrupt someone because I’d be scared of being seen as a rude person. This is why for my profile I’m doing someone I know so I’m more comfortable with talking to them.


The Last Shop

“The Last Shop” personally I found REALLY REALLY boring, but it did talk about some controversial stuff like most people just try and ignore death at all cost because it reminds everyone of our impending deaths. Although, I know some people that that talk about death a lot and it doesn’t really seem to bother them which means some people are a lot better at dealing with death, people who hunt for example always have to think about death because they kill shit all the time, an at the other side of the spectrum some people just flat out can’t deal with death, whether it be a family member or even just an animal. It seems like it’s usually more girls that can’t handle death or its just guys are better at concealing it. but in the end everyone is scared of dying whether its just because they don’t want to die or because their family needs them.


Personally for a lot of stuff I do use wiki because its easy to access and usually its right but if its for something that matters I wouldn’t really trust the information. One is because anyone who can access the internet can change the information so if its on a popular topic the answer could get changed a bunch of times because different people would have their own view on what they think the answer actually is. Another reason why I wouldn’t use this site to get answers that actually matter is because why would I use a site that might not give me the right answer when I can just scroll down and pick a different, more reliable site. People only use wiki because its usually always the vary first site to show up so most people just click on it and assume that what’s on the site must be the right answer because its on a well known site

Shitty First Drafts

In “Shitty First Drafts” it talks about how no one ever has just been so talented that they can just sit down and write this amazing story with out any effort what so ever. It is true that some people are definitely A LOT better then others at writing me included even just this took me like half an hour to write but that’s just because I really really hate writing and am quite bad at it. The shitty first draft concept is really good for me cause it helps me make the witting piece or whatever its called a lot better especially since people are reading it and comment on it. Which could help cause they could see something I could improve on that I didn’t see. I also do they thing that it says in shitty first drafts where she says every time she starts writing something new she writes something then crosses it out than feels despaired and worried and take a break, than come back and write something. the thing she described was me writing this post, I’ve deleted it like three times and cursed and sweared and taken who knows how many breaks, but I finally got something down that I liked and just went with it and it didn’t turn out all that bad.